Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Couponing 101

Since the season premiere of Extreme Couponing tonight, I've been flooded with new followers so I thought I'd post some info for any new Couponers looking to learn the tricks of the trade!

Printable coupons are one of the best ways to find great coupons!  You're allowed 2 prints per coupon per computer--  Click here to view printable coupons

Get the Sunday paper for the coupon inserts!  I usually buy at least 4 papers per week depending on how good the coupons are!  (I post a preview of the coupons before they come out!)

Another great way to find coupons is to order them. West Coast Coupon Clipping is a great site to order from and I highly recommend them!  Visit them on Facebook and let them know I sent you: Click here to view West Coast Coupon Clipping

Get a coupon system!  Being organized is key to being a successful couponer!  I use a binder and buy the baseball card holders to keep my coupons in and have them divided by food and non-food.  File any uncut inserts by date to find easily!  

Check out the Coupon Database!   Here you can search a product by brand name and find what date and what insert it came from or from which website it can be printed from.  Click here to view the Coupon Database

I try to post all of the deals that I see throughout the day so be sure that you have "liked" CCG on Facebook and have followed us on our site!  I also post weekly grocery store coupon match-ups to help you plan your grocery trips..If you do not see your listed then please let me know so that I can add that to the match-ups!  If there are any other questions that I can help you with please feel free to leave me a comment!  Thanks for taking the time to visit Coupon Clipping Girl and I hope that you will continue to us it :)

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