Saturday, December 1, 2012

Entertaining Kids on a Dime: Stick Santas

Here is a fun and easy craft idea that the kids can make!

This cute craft stick Santa ornament is made out of only four materials (miniature craft sticks, a little paint, cardboard, and some yarn), but the result is absolutely amazing. This craft makes a fantastic Christmas present for the kids to make for friends and family.

What you'll need:

  • 8 mini craft sticks
  • Acrylic paint: red, white, flesh colored paint (we used peach), pink, black
  • 3” x 3” piece of white cardboard or cardstock
  • 6” piece of green yarn
  • White craft glue
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors

How to make it:

  1. Paint six of the craft sticks white and the remaining two red. Set aside to dry 
  2. Place the craft sticks onto the white cardboard and arrange them as pictured: Take a white craft stick and place it in the center. Then stagger other four in a stair formation with two on the left and two on the right. The last remaining white craft stick should be layed horizontally across the top of the other white craft sticks. The two red sticks should be positioned in a triangle to make a hat.
  3. Use a pencil to lightly mark the outer edges of the triangular opening of the hat and the face opening .
  4. Remove the craft sticks and paint those two areas, the hat area red, and the facial area with the flesh colored paint. Let dry.
  5. Cut out around the painted areas, though keep it all in one piece so you can glue your craft sticks to it.
  6. Glue the craft sticks to the cardboard and to each other. Allow to dry.
  7. Use the handle end of a paintbrush to dot on two pick cheeks and two black eyes. Mix a small amount of pink and peach and dot on for nose.
  8. Loop the green yarn and tie in a knot. Glue the knotted end to the back of the ornament.


  • This can be made into a magnet instead of an ornament.
  • Mini craft sticks are available at craft supply stores and discount department stores.
  • For the cardboard in this project, we used the back of the cover from our construction paper pad!

**Craft idea from Kaboose**

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